Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Putting something back

How great’s the Bass angling going this season? you may be getting your share of success, or perhaps you’re not doing so well and finding it hard to find them, or, when you do get amongst the shoals you’re not landing fish of any grand size. Whatever the situation if you are concerned about the wild bass stocks and your angling future, remember wild bass need every angler to take positive action this year to help preserve the stocks that currently remain.

Don’t get left out, get involved look after our wild bass and your future angling. One of the easiest ways being joining clubs or organisations, however these days it’s also easy to help online by supporting campaigns and taking part and sharing campaigns with your friends, and across suitable networks.


Consider what time and effort you’re putting into your bass angling season; the waterside angling is often only a part of the research and expenditure you have previously invested. Many anglers spend not only hard-earned cash directly on bass angling and putting in the road miles of fuel and wear and tear on the vehicle or boats and obviously the rods, reels and equipment. Because chances are these days you’re also spending on cameras or phones and the constant internet social networks, reporting and sharing your successes (and blanking) sessions. Many experienced anglers posting openly good advice and others helping novices online to achieve some success.

Image © Bill Fagg

So far this season has seen some great work and development in ideas and innovations, be that online with groups of concerned yet dedicated anglers promoting sportsman like methods, while   defending the future of our wild bass stocks. We still have some months ahead for catching that potential best ever fish and remember if we don’t look after them who will.

Would you like to write something for us or do you have some news for BASS to share? Let’s see your angling images, catch reports or angling adventures click Here to contact me direct via the forum with any potential items.

Image © Bill Fagg

By Putting something back into your angling you can help secure the future

Don’t forget direct online donations are another great way to help out, as can the purchase of goods from the BASS shop. Please don’t forget to visit our SOS Bass website to keep informed of how you can help turn the tide of exploitation of our wild bass.




Image ©Matthew Hooper

Remember the website now has a members only section and the forum that functions by logging in here->

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