Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

We publish a quarterly magazine, usually of about 36 pages, which is distributed free to all members. The latest edition of the magazine is also available as an e-magazine. Each issue is packed with information about the activities of the society, the events we organise, reports of member’s catches, and pages of features and letters from our members.

Below are a few examples of the BASS members’ magazine. The magazine is now published in full colour.

BASS magazine, issue 65BASS magazine, issue 118BASS magazine, issue 131
Contributions welcome

The editor will welcome contributions, to future magazines, in the form of letters, articles and photographs. If you want more information or advice about writing an article, letter or report, please contact the editor. If you prefer to write the address details can be found inside the front cover of the magazine.

Examples of articles that have appeared in previous magazines can be read in the How to catch bass section on this website.

Back copies of the BASS magazine

All back issues of the BASS magazine are available for download as pdf documents from the members only section of the BASS website/