Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

A “ Bassy” Newyear

As the festive season frenzy builds to almost a panic, there is a small number of dedicated bass anglers equally busy, finishing off arrangements for an annual pilgrimage to the magnificent Brandon bay co Kerry, the spiritual home of bass for the yearly baptism of surf angling .Once the big events at home are over, and you find yourself surrounded by discarded wrapping paper and the ubiquitous turkey sandwiches or stale sausage rolls, these anglers will be loading vehicles and winding their way across the road networks and a ferry crossing, before homing in on the well-known venue almost as if pulled by the magnetism of another seasons adventure .



It’s also the time of year that we tend to reflect on the time and events that have passed, and start looking towards the future.

Without doubt it’s been a busy year, hectic at times with much going on in the conservation stakes and a growing momentum of support. We have seen petitions and emails, supported by many, and the demonstration. All good things that has helped galvanise the support, along with parliamentary debates all raising the profile of the situation.


It’s at this time that Bass memberships are due, and for the regulars they know exactly what they can expect from investing in another year with the society. If you have so far never belonged, then now’s as good a time as any. Time does not stand still, be that in conservation or the bass-angling sector. The members only forum, a wealth of knowledge built up over time as well as news, views and individual opinions.

During any year, some of our members attempt additional methods or techniques in pursuit of success, plus bass angling trips abroad, may it be the USA or Ireland. Ever dreamt of getting some of your words or images published? Then please click here for more information. You can also keep in contact by signing up for our e-news letters or following our various social networks.


I am sure we probably don’t say it enough but our thanks go out to everyone who has helped in some way this past year.


Merry Christmas and a Bassy New year.


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