Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

A Fintastic Start

In about a week the petition has almost reached 6000 signatures, that’s a great start and we know emails are starting to be posted. This is a fantastic beginning to the get the nets out of the bass fishery” campaign and, it’s the relentless help of our supporters that’s got this moving.


To think it was only last week that Henry Gilbey launched the petition, and was then followed up by phenomenal support of Matt Hayes. It’s been as good a start as anyone could have wanted, we all need to keep it going now to see if we can reach the target figure in time.

For SOS Bass it’s been a big team effort, and that is our main purpose this time, to get the nets out of the bass fishery. It includes liaising with other organisations that are working on securing much the same, but we also rely on you the anglers and supporters in making that great effort. Just consider if everyone who has already signed the petition and sent an email could find one more person to do the same our targets would be safe.

With the time that remains we still need to gain additional signatures for the petition and get more people sending emails, and now many tackle shops also have campaign material that can be picked up instore and used or down loaded via the Angling Trust, and if you like angling magazines please don’t forget the following all include a tear-out section that’s ready and easy to use to help get your say. So please do take part in some way and let’s start to bring about the change that will help bass and benefit other species.

Saltwater Boat Angling November issue-page 75

Total Sea Fishing December issue -pages 38-39

Sea Angler Magazine Nov-Dec [538] issue page 125

Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Magazine December 2016 page 8


To send an email or sign the petition please click here


Get the nets out! – November 2016 Campaign Update Click Here

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