Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Bass and B.A.S.S.

The book of the Society: ‘Bass and B.A.S.S.’

A superb selection of articles and letters from the B.A.S.S. magazine over the years, with some new material specially written.Designed, edited and published by Geoff Gonella in conjunction with Peter Macconnell and John Morgan.

Bound in hardback with dust wrapper, a high quality book.Price: £28+Post & packaging:UK: £5 (1 copy), £8 (2 copies)Rep. Of Ireland: £7 (1 copy), £13 (2 copies)Rest of Europe: £10 (1 copy), £15 (2 copies)Other quantities & destinations: Please send request by post or to

Bass on Bass


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