Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

BASS at 'Go Fishing Show'

BASS attended the ‘Go Fishing Show’ at the NEC Birmingham on 3/5 March 2006.

Getting the message out to Recreational Sea Anglers (RSA) about conservation issues, given the lack of support from the RSA media, is a difficult business. The internet is obviously of great use but doesn’t necessarily reach everyone; for this reason BASS has, despite the disproportionate costs, tried to attend the ‘Go Fishing Show’ over the last few years in order to ‘press flesh’ and ensure that as many sea anglers as possible (of whatever method of angling) are aware of what we are trying to achieve, what is at stake, and, perhaps more importantly, impress upon individuals that they are the vital to success.

image:photo of BASS stand at Go Fishing Show 2006

[photo – The BASS stand with Frank Whittingham on the left ‘selling’ the bass management planphoto courtesy John Morgan]

This year was no different and Frank Whittingham and John Morgan report that they talked to a large number of anglers. Not only about the bass management plan and the recent bass mls consultation but also the likelihood of future consultation by Defra on the recommendations raised in the bass management plan and the impact that they, as anglers, could genuinely have on whether the measures we wanted/needed to ensure better angling prospects for all, were implemented.

However, it is impossible to tell how many followed up their promises to write to their MP; or promptly forgot once they were out of sight of the BASS stand. Having said that John felt that not having a presence was not an option; many anglers left the BASS stand with, at the very least, a better understanding of the issues facing Recreational Sea Angling and in some cases were impressed by the progress that has been achieved.

[Comment – information about consultations on issues covered by the bass management plan will be posted on the home page of this web site and in the consultations web page.]