Bass Fishing Guidance 2022
Recreational bass fishing
Recreational fisheries, including from shore, in ICES divisions 4b, 4c, 6a, 7a to 7k are limited to catch-and-release using rod and handline only during 01 February to 31 March. The closed season for both commercial and recreational fishing is aligned to 1 February – 31 March for both sectors with two fish per day bag limits continuing to apply to recreational fishers outside February/March. In recreational fisheries in ICES divisions 8a and 8b, a maximum of two seabass may be retained per recreational fisher per day throughout the year.
The catch & release periods are not the same as for bass nursery areas. Please see for information on bass nursery areas.
The MMO recommends that you also contact your local IFCA
The minimum size of European seabass is 42 cm. All specimens below this size must be released.
No bass can be taken by fixed or drift nets.
These rules apply if you are fishing from a boat or from the shore.
Bass fishing guidance for commercial fishing is available at