Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

BASS submission to WAG

[NB – the Defra pdf file link ‘ ‘ appearing on page 3 of the BASS response to WAG, referred to below, may not open for some of you. If it doesn’t, please use this link to access the file.]

In March 2006, the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) invited the views of those sea anglers, who fish the coasts of Wales. The closing date for comment is 25 April 2006. BASS have submitted a response, which is available to be read on this web site, as a pdf file. [NB – to download the pdf file you will require a copy of Acrobat Reader on your computer. A free download is available from the Adobe web site.]

image:photo of anglers fishing a Welsh beach

[photo – Anglers enjoying fishing on one of the many Welsh beachesphoto courtesy Pete Riley]