Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

BASS web site

We have redesigned the BASS web site to make it easier to manage and expand in the future. Most of the content from the original site which was built and maintained by Dave Cooling, has been retained although rearranged. Dave spent a lot time and effort creating and maintaining the original site, writing much of the material on it. BASS owes Dave a huge debt of gratitude for his work and commitment over the last few years. Thank you Dave.

The site still needs a few finishing touches but they will be attended to soon, including the addition of a photo gallery. If you have any photographs which you think may be suitable, please email them to David Riley whose email address can be found on the contact BASS web page

We require any bass fishing, catching or releasing photographs, as well as, general sea/shore scenes, photos of inshore fishing vessels, etc., but please, NO photographs of dead bass. It will be helpful, although not essential, if you will supply a brief description with any photographs, together with the name of the photographer.

A new web counter is to be installed. This will show the correct number of visitors to the site since it was first established several years ago. We have almost reached 100,000 visitors!

We would like to thank, Peter Riley, who designed the new site for his work, Roger Bayzand, for the use of his photograph in our header, Mike Ladle, Ian Morris and Steve Butler for reviewing some of their material and all the other members who have had input over the last few months whilst the site was being rebuilt.

In addition we would also like to thank Keith Linsell for allowing us to use the bass line drawing created by him,which is reproduced above in the logo and on other pages. We are also grateful to Bob Cox for giving us permission to use the Gavin Ward drawings which are copyright Bob Cox.. All parts of this site are copyright either to the Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society or the individual contributor.