Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973


Today a hearing is taking place in the EU Court of Petitions, Brussels, following the deposition of a petition by the Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society (BASS), United Kingdom and the Collectif Bar Européen (CBE), France, requesting the cessation of winter pair trawling for bass by European Member States. The petition is being presented by John Leballeur, Chairman of BASS and Stéphan Beaucher, Vice-President of CBE, assisted by Graham Watson MEP, (UK).

The petition requests more protective measures for the European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by all Member States, including:-

  • Close season during the main spawning period February-April
  • Increase in MLS of bass to 45 cms in line with UK measures now under consideration
  • Gill net mesh sizes to complement MLS 110mm
  • Commercial licences for bass, subject to track record

[reference the Bass Management Plan and Defra consultation, (with scientific input from CEFAS, UK).]