Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

BMP presentation in South Wales

Last night members of the BASS Restoration Project team (Malcolm Gilbert, Steve Pitts and John Leballeur) gave a powerpoint presentation of the ‘Bass Management Plan’ at a meeting organised by the South West Wales Association of Sea Angling Clubs at the Gowerton Conservative Club, South Wales.

The meeting was well attended, with the audience made up of shore anglers, boat anglers, charter skippers, tackle dealers and commercial netters. The Bass Management Plan was favourably received by those present and given their full support for its success.

If you would like to make a comment on this article, please contact BASS and we’ll add your comment below.

30 September 2005 – From John Edwards, General Secretary, SWWASAC:
Irrespective of the well supported meeting organised by SWWASAC, I therefore believe the matter is now in the hands of the Welsh Assembly Government (W.A.G.). We wish to thank the UK Bass Society for their time given, as we support the BMP in Principle.

Also as we represent the Area of South West Wales we also wish to thank all the Representatives from all areas of Angling and Commercial interests that attended the meeting, including Mr A. Davies whom attended on behalf of the Fisheries Minister for Wales.