Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Christmas has been rescued . . . II

Today fished ‘K’ at 08:00 to 10:30 AM great surf no fish. Went back to house for 5 minutes and then went to ‘BB’ for 11:50 am until 15:30. From 12:00 to 14:30 every cast had a bite on lug. I ended up with 1 Flounder and 7 Bass landed. I lost one bass at my feet and one way out. Most were 47 cm to 50 cm on Bass Tape. Surf was big very big and very exciting. Bites were hard to hit. Some were rod slammers which is rare on lug in the surf. But oh boy were they exciting. Soon as tide had dropped back from high bites stopped. I then went and plugged and SP ‘T’ for an hour but nothing. 20:00 tonight I am off to the bait beds to dig lug by headlamp for Xmas day LW at ‘St’ and then a dash to the ‘BB’ for last two hours of the flood. Only me is fishing hah I have it all to myself what a Xmas present that is.
Having the time of my life. Does this mean I die tomorrow?
Mike I am sorry you missed the bite unlike ‘Sm’ the surf on this side is kicking asse and there is much more movement in fact it is marginal. Can’t get onto Bass forum on your lap top its switched off or something its just crap.

John if you get this you might want to add it to the blog. Its frustrating I had a nice big fat blog planned for tonight by tomorrow I will have forgotten everything.

Ok I have to leave for the Lug beds.

