Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Eating an Elephant to Save Our Bass

The BASS blog team speak to the two men running our ongoing campaign to reduce bass landings by 80%

The key points of the interview:

  • It has taken many years to get where we are now, but the recent introduction of limited measures is at least encouraging.
  • We have a long way further to go however, and the limited measures to date will in no way prevent our bass stocks from collapse.
  • Several recent reports specifically mention the weight of individual emails received to date from bass anglers.
  • Thus it appears our efforts in calling for change REALLY ARE changing thinking and making a difference!
  • We however need to keep the pressure for change on the decision makers.
  • Please keep contacting the relevant people: KEEP making a difference.

Details of those to continue to email to demand change are listed in this recent blog:

Thanks for listening!                                                                           The BASS Blog Team

(*No elephants were harmed in the making of this recording.)