Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Fishing focus – issue 4

image:photo of front cover of issue 4 of Defra & Marine Fisheries Agency (MFA) joint newsletter

Defra & Marine Fisheries Agency (MFA) newsletter

On 26 October 2006, the fourth issue of the Marine and Fisheries newsletter, Fishing Focus, and the supplement, ‘Charting a new course – one year on’ were published. Both can be downloaded as pdf files from the Defra web site.The newsletter is a joint publication from Defra and the Marine Fisheries Agency (MFA) and aims to improve communications with stakeholders. Defra made a commitment to improve its communication with stakeholders and ‘Fishing Focus’ is one more way of keeping stakeholders in touch with developments and inviting their views.

Defra and MFA welcome feedback on each issue of the newsletter. If you would
like to comment, please email