Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Implications for us all…

The outcome of this consultation has implications for us all. If it goes through it will be a MASSIVE step forward for recreational angling in the UK.

Urgent.   Say “no!” to nets in Cornish estuaries.

 Last Chance!

Please reply to the Cornwall IFCA’s consultation on netting byelaws – it closes at midnight tonight (Thursday)27TH October 2016


Please send an email today to:




Not another Consultation? Why should I bother?

Do you want to stop people setting nets in estuaries and needlessly killing juvenile fish? Would you like to see the recreational angling experience in Cornwall improve? Well, this is your big chance!


If you are keen to help, but are short of time to read all the information, we suggest you reply saying simply:

  • I support the proposed byelaw
  • please do not make an exception for ebb netting.
  • Please ensure that all commercial fishing, fixed engines and long lines are excluded from these areas.
  • Please ensure that the revocation of bye-laws does not remove protection for any fish, especially bass.


We need to show the IFCAs that there is strong support for these proposals. It will put pressure on the others to follow suit.


But if we don’t pull our fingers out right now, the risk is that the commercial fishermen will out-number us in the consultation and get these proposals overturned.

Send an email today to:


You can find the detail on the Consultation here:

SOS Bass


Thanks in advance from the Save Our Sea Bass team for getting involved and making a difference. If you don’t, who will?

Contact us-
