Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Irish Bass Festival 2013

Following on from the success of last years Irish Bass Festival, this years event will be held from 5th to 7th July 2013. The festival is a lure only, catch and release event. It is based in Tramore, in Southern Ireland, but you may fish wherever you wish provide you are back by the allocated time. Last year 121 anglers fished the competition with entries from the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Ireland. The winning fish was an impressive bass of 80cm.

Anthony Phealan 80cm bassAnthony Phealan with his 80cm bass, winner of the Irish Bass Festival in 2012

Prize categories for this years competition are

  • 1st – Overall winner, longest fish (Wins Irish bass festival trophy)
  • 2nd – Overall second longest fish
  • 3rd – Overall third longest fish
  • Longest Fish (visiting angler, outside of Ireland)
  • Best combined length (best 3 fish combined)
  • Junior angler (longest fish)

Closing date for entries is 1st June 2013

Full details of the festival can be found on The Irish Bass Festival website

Package deals are available for visiting anglers from Active Irish Angling