Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Its easy to campaign for reduced bass landings.


At the weekend I found myself next to the water, without fishing tackle but in possession of my audio recorder. I might not have been able to fish for bass but at least I could pass on what I learnt at the recent BASS meeting – one intended to help give anglers like us the confidence to campaign for a reduction in bass landings. The bottom line is you dont need any specialised knowledge but it really is easy to make a difference.

IF you’re inspired by the above this information may help:

How to find your MP:

You could also send the same letter to: George Eustace, The Minister for Fisheries and The Marine Environment,  Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JR

A letter to your member for the European Parliament would also be great

Find your MEP: