The Marine Conservation Society conference for Recreational Sea Angling at Aston University, Birmingham on Saturday 25 March 2000
[Sponsored by: The National Federation of Sea Anglers (NFSA), Ammodytes Co Ltd, Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society (BASS), Cox & Rawle, Seabait Ltd]
The traditional view of recreational marine fisheries is that they are insignificant in scale, localised in impact, and of little economic importance. To remedy this situation The Marine Conservation Society in association with the National Federation of Sea Anglers invite you to a conference to address the various management and conservation issues associated with sea angling.
Whilst awareness of the impacts associated with the decline of many commercial fish stocks is well-publicised, the devastating effect of this decline on the recreational sector has been largely overlooked. The conference will address issues such as these, with speakers from a wide variety of angling and related organisations, as well as Government agencies.
The objectives of the event are:
- to raise the profile of sea angling as a legitimate and valid use of marine resources
- to examine the effect of current fisheries management on the recreational sector
- to raise awareness of the social, economic and biological significance of recreational marine angling
- to identify ways in which management of stocks of commercial interest may be reconciled with recreational and conservation interests
- to provide the opportunity for individuals to contribute to the future management of sea angling
Speakers include; –
Bernadette Clarke, Fisheries Officer MCS
David Rowe, NFSA
Malcolm Gilbert, BASS
Frank Nesbitt, NFSA
Prof Peter Olive, Seabait
Mike Quigley, University of Newcastle
Dr John Waldman, Hudson River Foundation (New York USA) – Restoration of the Striped Bass stocks and the Impact on Angling
Dr Mike Pawson, Senior Fisheries Scientist CEFAS
Barry Edwards, Senior Fisheries Manager MAFF
Sue Brown, Head of Conservation Fisheries MAFF
Dr Ken Collins, Southampton Oceanographic Centre (Artificial Reefs)
Samantha Davis, Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee
Open Forum: The Future for RSA chaired by NFSA