After years of decline in our breeding bass populations, it finally seems the message we have been taking to those that determine fisheries policy might at last be getting through and emergency measures to limit bass landings might be imposed.
In fact the momentum is strong enough throughout Europe that the efforts of the Angling Trust and BASS for better protection for bass nationally have been put on hold by DEFRA, while all EU countries urgently determine how to introduce changes to current capture methods to reduce landings of bass.
The fact it took evidence that stocks are in even more trouble than previously thought to bring this review is terrible; yet it is hardly news to many of us who fish for bass. So should the clear evidence for a need to change survive the inevitable fisheries politics, this could provide us with the overdue opportunity to begin to halt the decline the sport we care so much about.
So the key point of this post is: if you care about your bass fishing in the years to come, read the summary of what is happening to stocks and what is proposed in terms of possible ways of halting their decline ( ) THEN ACT ON IT BY EMAILING (OR WRITING TO) THE KEY PEOPLE IDENTIFIED IN THE PAPER AND BY SPREADING THE WORD TO OTHERS.
This really is by far the most important opportunity in terms of halting the decline in our bass stocks for many years. We have waited a long time for a chance like this but the outcome remains uncertain, so let us all push hard as this could just be the last roll of the dice. The greater the pressure from anglers and businesses involved in angling the more our concerns will be taken into account in any changes to regulations that might be introduced.
The better the protection: the better your chances of catching bass this size and feeling this good!