Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Revised Bass proposals for 2016.

Thank you for taking the trouble to email the Fishery Officials. Please do not feel disappointed if you have not received a response. It is no reason to feel despondent or to think your effort has been wasted. That is most definitely not the case. The important part is that your email will have got through to the decision makers. That will help influence the way in which they vote next week. Thank you for making the effort to do your bit for the bass and for recreational angling. Whatever the outcome you can be sure that your email will make a difference.

Given that the Council of Ministers will meet on the 14th & 15th December the various Ministers and Fishery Officials will be very busy in preparation. They will not only be dealing with the bass proposals but also the setting of fishing opportunities for other species. Many Ministers will have additional non fishing responsibilities that require their attention.

To date, many emails have been sent to the fishery officials via the  sos bass website. There will be others who have lobbied individually or through other sites. I think that the Ministers may well have been surprised at the strength of the recreational response. Even a generic response on their part will take time to prepare. Your email is the critical factor in this exercise. While a response is desirable it will not affect how the Ministers vote.

Thank you,

SOSB team.
