Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973 A New bass Campaigning Site Needs Your Help!

BASS has a new offshoot web site!

As the “save our sea bass” title suggests it is focused purely on campaigning. It aims to encourage and enable people to get their voices heard in the right places and say the things most needed to help save our bass. It will get our message more widely to those with a general interest in the state of the world we live in, rather than purely those of us with a love of recreational sea angling.

The site has been gone from merely an idea to launch in a matter of weeks. This rapid process has been driven by important developments in the EU relating to proposed measures to better protect our bass stocks.

There is a key meeting taking place at the EU today relating to this, with the “Management Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture” to start discussing the proposed increase to a 42cm minimum landing size (MLS) for bass. (Full details of this are on the new SOS site; and on our previous BASS blog; ).

Predictably some in the commercials fishing sector are making much noise about this and trying to get this measure watered down (despite the evidence in favour of a MLS of at least 42cm). So if you could do your bit to help counter this and do something to help save your bass it would be brilliant.

Go to the SOS website and draft a quick email and send it to the addresses shown on the “Our Manifesto” page. Your action on this is however needed URGENTLY as the decision on this could take place in a matter of days. (Spreading the word about the new site and the campaign would be fantastic too.)

This is our chance to finally get the minimum landing size increased – we mustn’t let the opportunity escape us.
