Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Soft Plastics . . . still ‘Hot Stuff’!

The influx of new members continues and the Forum is a busy place.

  • The liveliest part is still the ‘Welcome’ section . . . we’ve seen several members from the continent introduce themselves incuding Belgium and Norway.
  • Soft plastics are still ‘hot stuff’! Not being cheap and the fact they do ‘get lost’ is at the forefront of several members minds. Alternatives to the ‘Black Minnow are being discussed, whilst on another thread there’s an idea for a cheap ‘weedless’ solution . . . by using a scalpel.
  • The North Wales Fish-In is still over four months away . . . however, the first ‘post’ on the Forum, discussing it, appeared in November 2012!  There’s a ‘write-up’ of the 2012 event here: BASS North Wales Fish-In
  • And as ever there are discussions about rods . . . new and old. What’s your favorite?