Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Speaking out for our Bass

We at sos bass run campaigns and help others with similar concerns, we continue to lobby and run email promotions and petitions to bring about change.

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The SOS Bass website provides you with all the information you need to write strong and effective emails. Please take the time to do this, so that Bass will still be there for future generations. If you don’t, who will?

SOS Bass can also provide information, of the campaign to journalists and interested sectors. To obtain comments or arrange an interview with SOS Bass contact –
Direct Contact for SOS Bass

We can also be found on the following social networks.

Facebook page Click Here.
SOS Bass on Twitter Click Here.

The SOS Bass website is available in English and French & also of similar interest –
Stop aux massacres des bars par les senneurs on Facebook
Website Click Here.


[SOS Bass Team]