Net Gains: Gross Injustice

A year ago in a small Cornish harbour I watched a commercial fisherman sorting a catch of bass. Such was his bonanza that his gillnets appeared to be more flesh than monofilament. This windfall for the mostly part-time potters went on for weeks. The huge pre-spawning aggregations of bass that had shoaled up from […]
Decision on 2016 Bass Regulations is Imminent: We Urgently Need to Make More Noise!
The proposed EU 2016 bass landing restrictions have impacted like a rock in an aquarium. Now as the waves settle out the reactions of different parties can be better judged. Many it seems appear confused, some are fighting, while others are seeking to exploit the situation. Our analysis of the proposals is while they are […]
2016: A ban on all bass landings from January to June, but a 1 bag limit for anglers
The recommendation by the EU for bass landings in 2016 have been announced today ( ). In the Northern European area (containing the UK Ireland and Northern France) the proposal stated landings should be reduced from an estimated 2656 tonnes landed this year to 1449 tonnes in 2016 (a 46% reduction). It proposed this […]
2016 Proposals On Bass Landings Are About To Be Announced: Prepare To Have Your Say.
This week, the European Union publishes its proposed measures to manage our bass stocks in 2016. Prior to the 2014 meeting of fishery ministers, many of us in northern Europe campaigning for our bass emailed the decision makers demanding effective management changes be implemented. The feedback was, that despite one country blocking any changes in […]