Reducing Bass Landings: Demand the Commercial Sector Contributes Too!
The commercial fishing sector is objecting to the setting of the Minimum Conservation Reference Size, (MCRS) for bass at 42cm. They wish to have it set initially at 40cm, at which length many of the bass will not even be mature, let alone have had the opportunity to spawn. We are, at present, over half […]
80% reduced 2015 bass landings target was exceeded by mid March!
The EU’s own scientists most recent report on bass stocks stated landings need to be reduced by 80% to prevent stock collapse. The limited data that exists suggests however that the 2015 80% reduction figure was passed less than a quarter of the way into the year! So to summarise 2015 to date: Bass landings […]
EU Soon To Discuss Further Bass Measures: Our Bass Need Your Urgent Help!
The European Union working party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy meets this Thursday (5th February). This is to discuss further measures to bring about the 80% cut in landings ICES stated were needed to prevent a collapse of the stock of our bass (some recent background can be found here: The View of BASS: Keep […]