For Commercial Bass Fishing Line Caught is Best Value.
A report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) examining the economic, social and environmental “best value” of different methods of commercial bass fishing has just been published. It concludes that compared to trawling and fixed & drift nets, bass fishing with hook and line provides both the most jobs and highest price per kg of […]
Latest ICES advice: 85% reduction in bass landings is now needed in 2016!
The long awaited advice for bass was issued today by ICES (the EU’s own scientist advising on fish stocks). They included recommendations for our area of the central and south North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the Bristol Channel and the Celtic Sea. The ICES figures are the key data that informs us […]
Save our sea bass campaign: an update
David Curtis has provided this update on our ongoing campaign to bring about the necessary 80% reduction in landings of our bass. It will go out to the thousands who signed our 38 degrees “saveourseabass” petition. The bottom line is we need to continue to demonstrate we are in this for the long run and […]
Campaign Progress Report: BASS meetings with DEFRA and the EU
Meetings and discussions both at an EU and UK level continue to take place to agree better ways to protect our bass. Yesterday at a meeting in Brussels with DG Mare (the Commission department responsible for the implementation of the Common Fisheries policy) BASS were represented by David Curtis and Malcolm Gilbert. The early feedback […]
The View of BASS: Keep Pushing for Our Bass and Our Sport
On Monday 26th January the EU made its ground breaking announcement, imposing emergency measures on pair trawling for bass. There have since been further indications at EU and UK levels to support previous statements that this (temporary) measure is just the first move. Further (as yet unclear) measures it seems will follow to reduce the […]