Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

C-Bass: Putting the “Conservation” into Seabass?

C-Bass: a project run by Cefas The European seabass (or bass as it is more commonly known) is one of the most sought-after fish for recreational sea anglers in England and Wales, and a target for many commercial fishermen who supply fresh wild-caught bass to compete with farm-reared bass in retail outlets and restaurants throughout […]

French make it ‘Sexy’ . . . !

Malcolm Gilbert travelled to Nantes to meet with Jean Kiffer, President of the FNPPSF (Fédération Nationale des Pêcheurs Plaisanciers et Sportifs de France) and and Christian St James, who is responsible for environmental issues within the FNPPSF. He reported that both the meeting and the Nantes Show was a positive experience. Malcolm is currently drafting […]