On Friday 28 th June 2013 Nigel Horsman , Andy Ford from SKY TV’s tightlines and I all fished together on Zen2 . The plan was to produce a nice little fishing film with an emphasis on highlighting the worrying issues concerning the current management of the species . I really hope the film helps […]
Association of Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities letter . . .
The letter below was written by the CEO of the Association of IFCA’s on behalf of and with the agreement of all 10 IFCA’s. (i.e. it is not anyone’s personal opinion, CEO of the AIFCA or anyone else, rather an agreed joint view from the IFCA’s). We think this is a significant step forward, particularly […]
IFCA – protecting the marine environment around the Cornish coastline
Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority is staging a series of 12 fishing meetings during October and November to look at ways of protecting the marine environment around the Cornish coastline. The Authority is responsible for managing fishing activities within the six mile limit around the coast of Cornwall, including in the inshore marine protected […]
Strange Events in Cornwall
Taken from the August 2011 Newsletter of the National Mullet Club. Last month news broke of a potentially dire situation concerning protection of Cornish estuaries from setting of fixed nets. Briefly, prior to 1st January 2011, Section 6 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 prohibited setting of fixed nets in estuaries as a […]