Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Tight Lines (Sky Sports) – Bass Fishing Restrictions

Sky Sports presenter Andy Ford interviews BASS Restoration Team member Nigel Horsman whilst out fishing on Austen Goldsmiths ‘Zen2′. Find out why we need to raise the Minimum Landing Size for the bass. Watch the video: Bass fishing restrictions

Big Boost for Bass?

Angling Trust secures support for bass conservation from Minister From Martin Salters Angling Trust Campaigns Blog: As you may have heard, just when I thought I’d escaped, the Angling Trust sent me back to the party political conferences. My job was to make the case for fishing and to take the political temperature on the issues […]

Southern IFCA – the case for an increase in the bass MLS.

For the past nine months BASS member Nigel Horsman has been persistently lobbying the Southern IFCA (which covers Dorset, Hampshire and the IoW) and it’s members. Following a meeting with the Chairman, he was asked to write a paper setting out the argument for a higher bass MLS. This will be discussed at the next […]