Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Cefas Solent Bass Survey 2013

The results of last months Solent Young Bass survey are now out and make grim reading! You can view the full .PDF here: Cefas Solent Bass Survey 2013 Average catch rates of bass were 0.41/minute towing in the harbours and 0.26/minute outside (0.34/minute overall). This overall value is well below the mean for the autumn […]

The s#!t has hit the fan . . . .

In October of 2012 ICES* reported to the EU Commission on its assessment of a number of fish stocks, including turbot and bass. The report confirmed the fears that many have shared – Fishing mortality on bass is increasing and the stock-spawning biomass (the breeding stock) is decreasing. However, when ICES recently presented the latest […]

Let Our Bass Breed

Last week representatives from the Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society joined MPs from the All Party Parliamentary Angling Group in an Angling Trust organised delegation to Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon to press the case for sustainable size limits for bass in order to allow the fish to breed at least once and for stocks to replenish. […]