Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

EU consideration of how to reduce bass landings hits the national press

We seek to achieve a broad balance of subject matter on this blog. Of late however, we have been somewhat weighted towards bass politics and the campaign for restoration of our bass stocks. I make no apologies for this what so ever, as the coming weeks the measures to better protect our bass will be […]

We Can Do This!

Members of BASS have campaigned tirelessly for years for the restoration of bass stocks. Now we’re calling on anybody with an interest in bass fishing (either directly or indirectly) to join the fight. So is there any point or is this just a waste of time and effort? Well, let’s look at some of the […]

When it comes to Bass Fishing, Class Matters

I am not sure exactly which year class Malcolm Gilbert came from, but he has been fighting the corner for our bass for many years. Here he indicates how the structure of our bass populations are overrepresented by occasional years where successful spawning is followed by high rates of fry survival. Given the failure to […]

Five chances to win a bass book: one more chance to save our bass stocks.

Copies of the excellent book of articles written by BASS members about bass fishing titled Bass and B.A.S.S. should be available in the BASS shop relatively soon ( A few copies of this book have also been generously donated to The BASS Blog team. We feel using some to get yet more people signed up for […]

Net loss: how one individual made a difference!

As an organisation BASS acts collectively for its members, yet our resources are limited and we have to pick our fights as we dont have paid staff or huge financial resources.  Sometimes individual BASS members chose to act alone where they see an opportunity to bring about change that will benefit their bass fishing. Six  months ago […]