Anglers, here is where your taxes go . . . .
I wonder how many RSA (Recreational Sea Anglers) are aware that across Europe, the fisheries sector systematically milks EU tax payers to the tune of an astonishing 1 + billion euros annually. Those of us who live close to commercial fishing ports have witnessed a constant stream of grants paid for new quay facilities, improvements […]
Bass in trouble – scientists demand 80% cut in landings
There’s an article circulating in various forms (The Independant; Fish2Fork), or rather, the wording differs slightly. What’s caught our eye is this paragraph: The problem is exacerbated by recreational anglers who are responsible for about a quarter of the total landings in the UK, France, Netherlands and Belgium. So we’re the PROBLEM? Interesting that the 75% […]
National Recreational Fishing Policy
Ok, got your attention. But sadly it’s not the UK which is recognising the true value of Recreational fishing. Yet again it is the USA, in the shape of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries), which has decided to adopt a national recreational fishing policy. Personally I think the key point to pick […]
What’s your Angling worth . . . ?
BASS is recommending that all Sea Anglers fill in the survey below. The only way to ensure that the full value of Recreational Sea Angling is demonstrated is by as many RSA’s as possible providing the information on their spending. Those who analyse the data will have to recognise that RSA has a substantial financial […]
French make it ‘Sexy’ . . . !
Malcolm Gilbert travelled to Nantes to meet with Jean Kiffer, President of the FNPPSF (Fédération Nationale des Pêcheurs Plaisanciers et Sportifs de France) and and Christian St James, who is responsible for environmental issues within the FNPPSF. He reported that both the meeting and the Nantes Show was a positive experience. Malcolm is currently drafting […]