Urgent Last Chance!
EU Consultation: Fish Bass Sustainably. Please click-> here
Envoyez un email http://www.saveourseabass.org/fr/envoyez-des-email/
We have started a brand new campaign to email the Fisheries politicians and managers now that they are digesting the ICES advice concerning wild bass and are considering how to react. We would ask you to support this email campaign by sending an email and encouraging members of your family and friends to send an email too.
If you can help to promote the email campaign via social media too, that would be fantastic.
With Brexit delayed until 2019, the normal EU process for setting fishing opportunities will continue to be critical for wild Bass for at least the next two years, so it is vitally important that we influence this as much as we can.
The EU Commission is consulting until 1 September on the way in which levels of fishing effort for 2017 should be set under the Common Fisheries Policy and has specifically invited feedback from individual stakeholders.
Replying to this consultation, by sending an email, will get your voice heard by the decision-makers and play an important part in saving the Sea Bass stock and supporting sustainable Bass fishing. We suggest you copy your email to the EU Fishery Ministers too, for maximum impact.
Don’t forget that your family and friends can send emails too.
[SOS Bass Team]
Contact us- info@saveourseabass.org