Henry Gilbey needs no introduction . . . possibly even to non-anglers (because of his TV series). He has long been a staunch supporter of our aims and, recently, through his Blog, has been encouraging anglers to overcome their apathy . . . .
“I was contacted the other day by a member of BASS (Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society) and asked whether I would help out with trying to gain a bit of extra publicity and awareness for a newsletter that they have been sending out to their members – along the lines of, and I quote : “If there was ever a time to lobby the powers that be for the protection of bass it’s NOW and it’s YOU that needs to do it!” Below is the exact newsletter with all the various links that give you a load of info and also details of how to get on with actually doing something to try and further our chances of having a few bass left to fish for. Apathy will never get us anywhere…………….”
“Sorry to be blunt but I know that you all care deeply about bass and the future of your fishing and want to do what you can to help protect them. Many of our members have campaigned tirelessly over many years. Leon Roskilly says “I think the difference today is that ‘back then’ it was only BASS that felt there was a problem developing and we were very much fighting against the prevailing wind.A few years on and now (almost) everyone sees the problem and are looking at taking action. So today’s efforts are about increasing the pressure for action sooner rather than later, not pleading for action to be taken”. The strength of BASS lies in it’s members so let’s get out there and see what we can achieve! Over 1200 people receive this newsletter; if all the people who open it send just one email/letter that would generate around 700 pleas for action!”
“Nigel Horsman says “Bass management is on lots of agendas right now; several IFCA’s have discussed it recently or are about to” – ask your’s what they’re doing about it http://www.association-ifca.
“It doesn’t take long to contact your MP or MEP. Use the ‘write to them’ service https://www.writetothem.com/. It’s a doddle! Ideally go along and meet them if it’s practicable.”
“If you’re not sure what to say the basic message is we want “more and bigger bass”. Some examples of recent correspondence and meetings which may help are the excellent letter sent to the fisheries Minister by Leon (please use as an example only and put the points in your own words) http://www.ukbass.com/docs/
“See what the EU’s Scientists are advising the politicians https://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.
“For a nice read about fishing for bass in Ireland and useful summary of the current state of bass conservation, see Martin Salter’s latest blog post from the Angling Trust http://fightingforfishing.
“For further information see ICES advice on bass (June 2014) http://www.ukbass.com/ices-