Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

West Wales fish-in hits the spot . . . . !

I’m sure there’ll be a blow by blow account in either BM141, or maybe BM142, but for general viewing I think the following comments ‘posted’ just after the event gives a flavour of one of BASS”s enduring (or should that read endurance) events.

Gareth wrote:
Great weekend again and good to meet a few more BASS guys. Not my finest moment in terms of landing bass but as everyone knows it’s not just about the fishing. Friday night was most memorable – I will never eat another picked garlic as long as I live – nor will I look at Ferrero rocher in the same way again? Steve’s curry was the best ever and actually edible this year. I felt mentally drained Sunday night after Bevan’s probing but am already looking forward to next year. Hopefully catch up with some of you before then, or the AGM? Thanks to everyone who did their bit.

Geoff wrote:
Great meeting you all again. I blanked but I was lazy, fishing only a few 3 hour sessions – unlike Marc, who did a 6 hour one, amongst many others. Weather OK and great craic, plus a few classic moments (the best for me was seeing Mike O trying to erect the frame of his tent – looked like something out of an earthquake; 2 of us helped thinking we can soon have it sorted, and about 2 hours later….we did).
Thanks Dave for the pickled eggs – lovely (the eggs, not you).
Good fun and good company. Roll on the next one.

Paul wrote:
Thanks to Ian for the bait, Marc for the Aqua Sure, Mike C for the food, Roger for the sloe gin and fishy delicacies and Steve and everyone else for making it a great weekend.
It’s a cold and exposed campsite, but what a location, views and sunsets plus a few bass were about too. I can’t wait to go back!

Mike wrote:
Just read through the posts and and looking at some of the photo’s (Where is the one of Butler and Bevan with their beer goggles on, its sure to be a classic) I trust all made it home OK. It was great making new acquaintances and once again thanks to all that mucked in to make the fish in as special as it is. Long may it last.

David B. wrote:
What can I say but an Epic weekend even if I did only manage one night in the back of the car (next year I will be back in a tent) Massive thanks to Marc, Steve Ian and Daz and everyone else that made it truly a weekend I will not forget for a long time. (I have not been that hammered in a very long time)! Great to see everyone and some fish come out. Cannot wait till next year !!!

Simon F. wrote:
Bloody Hell! I’ve got my work schedule for the next few years. I’m not free to go to Shell until 2014. Half of you buggers will be dead or past it by then.

Ian summed up:

The fish-in itself was yet another epic, the weather was kind, the fish were there, but strangely inconsistent in the here one day gone the next way they showed up, but I’d say perhaps 40 or 50 were caught on various methods employed by the modest number of anglers who could make it this time . . . and actually remain in a coherent enough state to fish.

My lasting memories this year were:

  1. Mike Costelloe again working miracles from his Chuck Wagon to keep us all alive . . . while Tonto did his best to kill us all with the ever-astounding variety of jars and packets of dried or putrefying creatures he produced once the sun went down.
  2. Mike Oliver turning up with no sleeping bag, and a tent with no poles.
  3. Daz Edwards scooping the inaugural “Cool Hand Luke” award for eating way too many pickled chicken foetuses.
  4. Steve Butler getting 6 Michelin stars for this years curry.
  5. Marc Bevan’s rocket fuel scrumpy.

The site can be a foreboding place to camp at any time of the year because it is exposed to either coastal gales or freezing winds, and certainly in May it always seems to be chilly as soon as the sun goes in, so understandably its not everyones cup of tea. For me, the way everyone gets on and mucks in is something that’s really special. Sure there are arguably better places to fish at this time of year but for the ‘Fish-in’ regulars it really ain’t just about catching fish, and maybe thats the secret.

Mike C., Mike O. and Marc B. survey the scene . . .
Bob Bell's 'des res' (check out the empties).
Marc Bevan gets a lesson in stonework.

I reckon they’ll be back again next year . . . . 🙂