Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Bass bites…

A sustainable bass fishery should not be so difficult to achieve and manage, once established the first step is to recognise the scientific and EU advice and put it into practice “get the nets out of the bass fishery ” it’s not as if others have not acted as pathfinders already. Our near neighbour Ireland has virtually revived its own bass fishery without the fracas that’s endemic in the usual procedures and trade-offs, and it is no coincidence that the Isle of Man is soon to follow the Irish blueprint with its own refinements added.



Campaigning’s never easy and Bass has a long record of it, by its very nature it relies on assistance from related occupations or businesses , and the backbone being everyday anglers or supporters. if we want to have a voice then it’s going to become ever more usual that similar campaigns are run by individuals or organisations. It’s up to us to take up the opportunities to give angling a voice equal to the huge numbers involved and money it generates, and stop being overlooked or considered as bit part players.

It was only November 18th the petition “get the nets out of the bass fishery petition” was launched and here we are closing in on the target figure, it’s been a fantastic effort by everyone involved and we have seen anglers from all disciplines, plus much of the angling media not forgetting angling journalists, helping push the campaign. It’s refreshing to see how much goodwill has been shown, the angling tackle trades been doing its part and the internet’s been buzzing with many across social media platforms. Below is just a small sample of the support we have received.

“I will be signing the petition supporting the ban of netting for bass. I firmly believe that a proposal that is fair to both commercial and recreational bass fisherman is essential in order to protect stocks. To experience catching one of these truly majestic fish on rod and line is a very special moment, enhanced even more when you return them to breed and swim freely – Their stocks must be appropriately managed and maintained so that generations of the future can enjoy what is in my opinion, the most sporting sea fish in British waters.”   

Marc Cowling of South Devon Bass Guide.


“I will be signing the petition to end the unsustainable Gill netting fishery for bass as this is the reason we are seeing a decline in important recreational bass stocks. Getting the petition pushed forward will hopefully see the end of this unsustainable and greedy practice and the inevitable change that needs to happen for the future of a threatened species.” 

Matt Powell of Fishing And Foraging Wales / Welsh Bas Guide.


“Signing this petition is just one of many things that we as anglers can do to help preserve the future stock of wild sea bass … stocks have declined over recent years and in order for the next generation to enjoy this magnificent sport fish we must get together and act. As an angling journalist and online tackle shop owner, I come into contact with many like minded and passionate anglers who all want to see a brighter future for bass. I am a passionate lure angler who takes every possible step to practice catch and release … in my opinion there is no better sight than watching one of these marvellous creatures swim back to fight another day. So I urge you to take the few minutes required and sign this petition and get behind the campaign so that those that follow in our footsteps can enjoy this sport for generations to come!”

Steven Neely of Fish On Lures and Angling Journalist.


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GBass / Red Gill /CFSA

Do not let the scientific advice from ICES be completely forgotten, and Consider that the EU say there should only be a recreational and commercial hook and line bass fishery   PLEASE follow options one to four by clicking the link below remember the emails are important too.

  1. Sign our petition on the UK Government website
  2. Send a message to George Eustice
  3. Send a message to your own MP
  4. Send a message to the EU Fisheries Ministers

Please Click Here


Letter To George Eustice MP – Fishing Opportunities 2017, Bass Stocks –  “Last year’s disproportionate restrictions on anglers and increased commercial catch limits were absurd, indefensible, caused widespread anger and political embarrassment. They were bad for bass, bad for coastal businesses and damaging to sea-angling. They masked some of the real progress that has been made”


Time to get rid of the Bass Nets ,Fishing Opportunities 2017 

“Bass stocks are in deep trouble due to commercial overfishing and the failure to follow scientific advice on the need for effective conservation measures.”


Bass Battles “It is clear that we are paying the price for the repeated failure of politicians and fishery managers to follow scientific advice on bass conservation measures. Last year’s disproportionate restrictions on anglers, which saw us reduced to a zero (Jan – June) then a one fish bag limit for the remaining six months of the year while commercial catch limits were actually increased, caused huge outrage leading to demonstrations outside the constituency office of George Eustice and condemnation in parliament.”


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