Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Bass tidings…

As another year is drawing to a close, its time we thanked everyone that’s helped out. Be it during the campaigning, raising funds, or creating greater awareness throughout the past season. We are grateful for everything and the tremendous effort by all. It’s been a busy and progressive year for BASS, undertaking changes and modernisation to keep the society Intune with our membership and valued supporters. The year ahead, 2018, will see more initiatives rolling out and BASS celebrating 45th anniversary! Join us if you can.

Image ©Clive Hodges


Timely reminder that BASS memberships are now due for many members, a notice was placed in the last journal no156 If you have any problems regarding any methods of payment, or require help please do contact us.

With the long nights and short days we are enduring, we are now pressing onwards into the end of this month and soon a new year. One entertaining highlight at this time is the annual BASS team excursion to Ireland, to fish the wild surf strands of Brandon bay and Inch, and consequently keep the lads at home amused on the BASS forum. Read the updates on the Kerry Blog 2017/2018


Another interesting item on the membership forum is an article from the BASS/SOSB campaign, reporting on the December EU Fishing Opportunities meeting. This will be available, in full, inside issue 553 Sea Angler magazine 2018

The next BASS Committee meeting is planned for mid/late January (date to be confirmed). If you have any issues to raise any of the membership are very welcome to attend –contact us

Image ©Bill Fagg


Perhaps you would like to write something for us, or do you have some news for BASS to share? Let’s see your angling images, catch reports or angling adventures, click Here to contact me direct or via the forum with any potential items.


Merry Fishmas!