Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Crunch time…

Sometimes you must do things for yourself because otherwise chances are it won’t get done, and it’s encouraging to see that as part of a diverse angling sector, we recognise our differences yet are mature enough to put them aside in an endeavour to maintain rsa and citizen rights to our public fishery. Perhaps we are entering the last chance saloon for anglers, and the best management of our publics wild stock. We must be willing to campaign by all reasonable methods to keep our angling legal and to have any share of fish if the wild stock has any surplus. Our sectors workforce, tackle shops, boats and guides must be recognised and treated equally to any exploiting sector.

It may sound selfish but if we don’t look after our own fishery and right to fish, then expect to be steamrolled and spat out by the system. We have the most efficient methods to make the best from the fishery given the stock situation, along with professional services involved in helping assist anglers to successfully pursue wild bass, that all helps give a good financial return for our sector and the most sustainable practices. We are now running short of time to bring about a fair, balanced situation and the bare bones of it is, each angler needs to seriously consider the consequences of not taking part in the campaign to stop bass angling being made a crime. Take your chance to sign the petition and post an e mail afterwards, take a minute to think of anyone else you know that would also be interested in supporting, be it friends or family etc and encourage them to also take part.

You might see the term “harvest” used in various wild bass articles, it’s being used for justification, something to make the process sound more acceptable than it is. A farmer will plant crops raise young stock and in that process care for their wellbeing and nurture them to the point of harvest along with environmental obligations, being sure only the surplus is taken. Wild bass has had no surplus for some time, so we have been witnessing exploitation of nature’s ocean bounty that is firstly part of a wider ecosystem and citizen resource, not a commodity to abuse at the cost of our future generations.

Image ©Matt Spence


2018 could see changes that erodes public rsa hard won freedoms since early times. So, an angler found in possession of bass equipment at a given location could become a suspect, regardless of their genuine innocence and will have to face up to the possibility of being questioned or worse. We are now seeing greater solidarity from the pan European angling sectors with a petition steaming ahead and good media and social networking, all getting behind the campaign.

Image ©Clive Hodges


Since early times, genuine concerns for the wild bass stock and its survival has seen much paper shuffling, excuses and reluctance to sustainably manage a natural resource, that’s allowed a valuable wild stock worth great financial value be pushed to extreme levels, creating the crisis we now all must face. Threatening to criminalise angling is unacceptable, as is the prospect of any sea anglers becoming suspected of angling for wild bass when commercial exploitation and its well-known loopholes remain unchanged, permitting the carnage to continue. Only the angling sector pound is of far more value, producing wide ranging benefits locally and further afield, also, being able to pursue fish sustainably makes it high value for money. Do not allow them to make angling the bad guy in this debacle.

Please make the effort to send an email to your MP and sign the petition, failure to take part could harm your angling.

How will you stomach having to return every fish, while other sectors exploit to the legal limit?

How will you feel if your banned from bass angling, while commercials sit off your coast legally removing our wild fish.

Get involved while you still have time. click here
