Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Giving the Future a Hand

We are only just venturing into 2017 and already we can see signs of anglers actively getting involved and using various options to get a message out. We live in a time of instant communication and with a variety of internet options at our fingertips it is possible to engage with a wide audience or engage more directly with ever more anglers. True it can be a double-edged sword but the more creative or determined tend to get the message across despite the difficulties.

We like to hear from people, and can often offer some help to assist, or in pointing to more sources to enable ideas to become viable. You can contact us  or the Bass society click Here you never know what’s possible unless you give things a go. Let 2017 be the year anglers take ever more action.


Image © C Hillsdon



Local Independent Sea Anglers [LISA] have been busy already, with building its network and fishing line recycling initiative, and more recently putting out their own bass posters


Sea Bass Regulations 2017 Signs on every Pier & Beach!

Another new campaign is the following petition, again launched independently and illustrates how people can take the initiative much like last year’s bass petition and demonstration that appealed to a cross section, and brought about ever more awareness at grass roots level. Petition click Here



Other ways to help or get involved Click Here.


Also, planned for the AGM weekend is a SOS-Bass workshop contact us for more details – or Click Here


Bass Protest Logo