Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Reeling in the cheers,

It’s incredible knowing the petition has past the target figure [10,000 signatures] already, it’s been high in the list of top performing government petitions indicating the tremendous effort by all involved. It is now listed as Petitions waiting for a Government response.

Without doubt it is a good achievement in the short time frame it’s been live, to have attained so much backing across the angling sector and beyond. It will hopefully continue to gain further signatures, that will all help.


Image permission © A Coombes


Also, we must look to attain further emails with the little time that remains, admittedly it’s a bit more involved but you will find the link below. It lays it all out in a way we hope makes the process as simple as possible. Remember 3 options are available so most EU citizens can also take part.

If the wild bass is to have a sustainable future, then now’s the time to keep the pressure on to Get the nets out of the Bass fishery, in doing that its possible we can all help to secure this precious resource that will go on to thrive and be available for generations to come, much like nature had intended.

* Send a message to George Eustice

* Send a message to your own MP

* Send a message to the EU Fisheries Ministers

PLEASE Click Here.




Envoyez des Email

Adressez un message à Alain VIDALIES

Adressez un message à votre propre député

Adressez un message aux Ministres Européens de la Pêche



It’s obvious to many by now what we can accomplish by all putting in a little work and taking part in some positive way. With that in mind please send an email and encourage others to do so too.


Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

The Angling Trust -No More Nets CLICK Here.

SOS Bass CLICK Here.

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