Update: New bass landing restrictions, plus campaigning for our bass makes a difference.
Further regulations to limit total amount of bass per month that each commercial vessel can land were recently announced by the EU (see here). It also seems, that with your help, the commercial fishing sector have failed to get the proposed increase to a 42cm minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) watered down to 40cm (saveourseebass.org). […]
Angling Trust Urges Anglers To Make Bass Recovery a General Election Issue
The Angling Trust wants to see bass stock recovery raised as a General Election issue and is urging anglers to contact their local candidates to seek pledges of support for ‘a fair, balanced and proportionate’ package of measures that targets commercial fishing practices that are doing the most harm to the UK’s most popular saltwater […]
BASS Press Release: Sea Bass – Don’t let the EU off the Hook
Information from the Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society (BASS) 11 November 2014 – For Immediate Release Sea Bass – Don’t Let the EU Off The Hook For years, the EU and Fisheries Ministers have succumbed to pressure from commercial fishing lobbyists and set catch limits far in excess of what the scientists said was sustainable. The […]
BASS Press Release.
This is the latest press release from BASS. If it generates the any desire within you to act to try and bring about improved and fair protection for our bass then please spread the word. Facebooking, tweeting or blogging it would be brilliant. Sending it on to politicians, people in the tackle trade and those that […]