Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Thoughts and plans …

A Blog post on Henry Gilbey’s popular site recently stirred some thoughts that have been lingering for a while. The particular phrase that got the juices flowing was this …. I also am becoming more and more convinced that visiting anglers who come to Ireland on the hunt for bass especially need to start thinking […]

Blogging Bass …..

Well the BASS Blogging Team has been on fine form this last week, with all 3 finding some fish. Our man in the South endured a trip which involved some woeful luck & equipment failure, but still landed a beautiful lean 70cm bass …. This was a result of a long difficult session, involving engine […]

Any Port in a Storm

With the “famous” West Wales BASS fish-in event taking place over the weekend it seems topical to post an article first used in our BASS column in Sea Angler several years ago. The meeting is about far more than fishing alone – which is just as well given my catch record there – and this […]