Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Bass in trouble – scientists demand 80% cut in landings

There’s an article circulating in various forms (The Independant; Fish2Fork), or rather, the wording differs slightly. What’s caught our eye is this paragraph: The problem is exacerbated by recreational anglers who are responsible for about a quarter of the total landings in the UK, France, Netherlands and Belgium. So we’re the PROBLEM?  Interesting that the 75% […]

C-Bass: Putting the “Conservation” into Seabass?

C-Bass: a project run by Cefas The European seabass (or bass as it is more commonly known) is one of the most sought-after fish for recreational sea anglers in England and Wales, and a target for many commercial fishermen who supply fresh wild-caught bass to compete with farm-reared bass in retail outlets and restaurants throughout […]

Minister to Press Ahead with Bass Conservation Measures

New Fisheries Minister George Eustice has pleased anglers in his first communication to the Angling Trust with a confirmation that he intends to proceed with the hard fought for review of the bass minimum landing size (MLS) instigated by his predecessor Richard Benyon. Mr Eustice was responding to a call from Angling Trust campaign chief […]

Cefas Solent Bass Survey 2013

The results of last months Solent Young Bass survey are now out and make grim reading! You can view the full .PDF here: Cefas Solent Bass Survey 2013 Average catch rates of bass were 0.41/minute towing in the harbours and 0.26/minute outside (0.34/minute overall). This overall value is well below the mean for the autumn […]

NEWSFLASH: Better Protection of EU Bass Stocks Might Just be Imminent.

After years of decline in our breeding bass populations, it finally seems the message we have been taking to those that determine fisheries policy might at last be getting through and emergency measures to limit bass landings might be imposed. In fact the momentum is strong enough throughout Europe that the efforts of the Angling […]