Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Campaigners call for review of Guernsey Sea Fisheries

A campaign group has called for a full independent review of Guernsey’s Sea Fisheries department. It follows concern about a 40% decline in local bass stocks in 12 months. The Save Our Bass Group, which said it more than 2,000 supporters when it was formed in 2005, described protection as “embarrassing”. Sea Fisheries said it had “insufficient […]

Minister to Press Ahead with Bass Conservation Measures

New Fisheries Minister George Eustice has pleased anglers in his first communication to the Angling Trust with a confirmation that he intends to proceed with the hard fought for review of the bass minimum landing size (MLS) instigated by his predecessor Richard Benyon. Mr Eustice was responding to a call from Angling Trust campaign chief […]

The s#!t has hit the fan . . . .

In October of 2012 ICES* reported to the EU Commission on its assessment of a number of fish stocks, including turbot and bass. The report confirmed the fears that many have shared – Fishing mortality on bass is increasing and the stock-spawning biomass (the breeding stock) is decreasing. However, when ICES recently presented the latest […]

Will CFP reform be blocked?

CFP Reform Watch Thursday 2 May 2013 is an important date for the future of European fish and fishermen. Representatives of 27 EU governments will meet and come very close to deciding whether they want to conclude the negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council on the fisheries reform in a constructive manner, or […]