Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Prince of Wales launches fight to save overexploited oceans from overfishing

The Prince of Wales is to launch a major international campaign to halt the destruction of the oceans through overfishing. A report to be published this week by one of the Prince’s charities, the International Sustainability Unit (ISU), will say that fisheries around the world could be pulled back from the brink of collapse by tackling wasteful […]

First modernised, then scrapped . . .

Take a look at: FISHSUBSIDY.ORG and watch the cute video of seagulls discussing the EU CFP. This site is full of interesting information BUT: Detailed information on subsidies since 2007 is no longer available in the public domain from either Brussels or National Administrations. So details on PUBLIC funds used to exploit PUBLIC resources are now kept under […]