Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

For more recent articles (Issue 486 2012 to current date) please see here

‘In it for the Long Haul’

BASS Chairman Ian Misselbrook looks back on the organisation’s continuing commitment to raised minimum landing size so that every bass can breed at least once.

Sea Angler, Issue 485, Oct – Nov 2012



‘Stars & Stripers’

A warm American welcome and fishing tips served up with his breakfast eggs. No wonder BASS member Matt Spence likes life across the pond . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 484, Sept – Oct 2012



‘Join Our Dream’

Find out how non-members can create maximum impact by supporting the society’s campaigns . . .  

Sea Angler, Issue 483, Aug – Sept 2012



‘You get what you pay for’

Impressed by the society’s own ‘designer label’ clothing, BASS catch recorder Geoff Gonella looks at other ways members can benefit from their £20 annual subs . . . 

Sea Angler, Issue 482, Aug 2012



‘But where are the big ones . . . ?’

Become familiar with your local bass marks, says BASS member Julian Fox, and you’ll improve your chances of a larger fish when you venture further afield. . . . 

Sea Angler, Issue 481, Jul – Aug 2012



‘Not another survey, surely?’

BASS chairman Ian Misselbrook tells it straight about Sea Angling 2012. If you want more and bigger bass available to catch in years to come, lets have your attention . . . 


Sea Angler, Issue 480, June – July 2012


‘BASS cares about your fish stocks . . .’

Shaun Sorenson explains what the society means to him, from an ordinary member’s point of view . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 479, May/June 2012


‘All we have is hope’

Matt Spence braves the Irish elements and British politics in the hope that a fish will take his lure and that the MLS for bass will eventually be raised to 48cm.

Sea Angler, Issue 478, April – May 2012


‘Nursery areas merry-go-round’

Geoff Gonella explains the reason bass nursery areas were set up and why, in some places, anglers don’t know the rules.

Sea Angler, Issue 477, March – April 2012


‘Whose resource is it anyway?’

Julian Fox explains the continuing pressure on bass stocks and wonders what effect it will have on his fishing this coming season.

Sea Angler, Issue 476, Feb – March 2012


‘Are you willing to work for better bass fishing?’

Ian Misselbrook talks about two developments that will protect Irish bass fishing.

Sea Angler, Issue 475, Jan – Feb 2012


‘Safety in numbers’

Steve Pitts gives an example of how anglers can work together to protect the species and their fishing.

Sea Angler, Issue 474, Dec ’11 – Jan ’12


‘Madness of the minimum size limit’

Matt Spence chews over the issue of the current minimum size limit of bass.

Sea Angler, Issue 473, Nov – Dec 2011


‘Sign up – you know it makes sense!’

Geoff Gonella explains what BASS is and does . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 472, Oct – Nov 2011


‘Our future is more important
 . . .’

Julian Fox finds an old issue of Sea Angler and it reminds him that writing down details about your fishing can be helpful . .

Sea Angler, Issue 471, Sept – Oct 2011


‘We all want to catch a big bass . . .’

Ian Misselbrook looks at his bass fishing adventures in Ireland and the USA and realises we have something missing in this country . . . big bass.

Sea Angler, Issue 470, Sept 2011


‘Pictures to be proud of . . .’

Steve Pitts talks about basic fish photography – that way you capture the memory and the fish swims free.


Sea Angler. Issue 469, August 2011


‘When to fish, how to catch . . .’

Geoff Gonella helps anglers new to bass fishing catch that all-important first fish.

Sea Angler, Issue 467, June – July 2011


‘Feel that first bass . . .’

Geoff Gonella begins a two-part article on starting bass fishing by explaining how to find the fish . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 466, May – June 2011


‘Programme bass to avoid your lures . . .’

Matt Spence comes up with an interesting  theory. He reckonsthere could be a case for saying the fish instinctively shy away from lures once hooked and returned . . .

Sea Angler , Issue 465, April – May 2011


‘I’m standing up to my waist in water and can see sandeels in the surf’

Peter Macconnell confesses that he likes to wade to catch his bass . . . he says it’s all about being ‘immersed’ in his sport.

Sea Angler, Issue 464, March – April 2011


‘Yes Minister, we are worried
 . . .’

Julian Fox explains why anglers fear for bass stocks.There are lots of fish about, he says, but the size of them is shrinking . . .


Sea Angler, Issue 463, Feb – March 2011


‘Ever the optimist
 . . .’

BASS Chairman Ian Misselbrook remembers how he got hooked on bass fishing and why he remains optimistic about the future.

Sea Angler, Issue 462, Jan-Feb 2011


‘Get a grip!’

There are right and wrong ways to handle your fish, says Steve Pitts, who also has some nagging doubts about some of the latest crop of lip-grip devices.

Sea Angler, Issue 461, December 2010


‘End of year thoughts
 . . .’

Geoff Gonella reflects on the year and looks at what bass anglers will be up to this winter. And with Christmas looming  . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 460, Nov – Dec 2010


‘Ireland, where fantasy fishing comes true . . .’

Ireland, where fantasy fishing comes true . . . 
Matt Spence reflects on bass fishing in Ireland, a country that values its sport-fish and its angling tourism industry.

Sea Angler, Issue 459, Oct – Nov 2010


‘Catch or release? That’s the big question!

Peter Macconnell says: “We don’t dictate catch and release rules and we believe in making recommendations based on common sense . . . . “


Sea Angler, Issue 458, Sept – Oct 2010


‘If you don’t ask you don’t get . . .’

Julian Fox suggests we get the bass fishing we deserve . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 457, Sept 2010


‘A Tale in the scale
 . . . ‘

Geoff Gonella, the society’s catch recorder explains why measuring bass is so important . . .

Sea Angler, Issue 456, Aug – Sept 2010


‘Are the bass you catch getting smaller?’

Steve Pitts looks at the society’s catch records, which stretch back 40 years and reveals that the size of the bass being hooked is declining . . .


Sea Angler, Issue 455, July – Aug 2010


‘Any port in a storm . . .’

BASS member Matt Spence reveals why he joined the society after he downed a port or two . . . 

Sea Angler, Issue 454, June/July 2010.


‘Whats Good Value for Twenty Quid?”‘

‘Peter Macconnell, a BASS committee member, asks . . .’

Sea Angler, Issues 453 – 454, May/July 2010