Angling Trust Urges Anglers To Make Bass Recovery a General Election Issue
The Angling Trust wants to see bass stock recovery raised as a General Election issue and is urging anglers to contact their local candidates to seek pledges of support for ‘a fair, balanced and proportionate’ package of measures that targets commercial fishing practices that are doing the most harm to the UK’s most popular saltwater […]
Eating an Elephant to Save Our Bass
The BASS blog team speak to the two men running our ongoing campaign to reduce bass landings by 80% The key points of the interview: It has taken many years to get where we are now, but the recent introduction of limited measures is at least encouraging. We have a long way further to go […]
Recent measures make little impact to save our bass: demand politicians do more!
The European Union’s own scientist state we need an 80% reduction in bass landings to prevent imminent stock collapse, yet early French statistics for the year to date show bass catches are down only 14% ! The temporary suspension of “pair trawling” announced in January was a start, but this was meant to reduce landings […]
EU Soon To Discuss Further Bass Measures: Our Bass Need Your Urgent Help!
The European Union working party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy meets this Thursday (5th February). This is to discuss further measures to bring about the 80% cut in landings ICES stated were needed to prevent a collapse of the stock of our bass (some recent background can be found here: The View of BASS: Keep […]
The View of BASS: Keep Pushing for Our Bass and Our Sport
On Monday 26th January the EU made its ground breaking announcement, imposing emergency measures on pair trawling for bass. There have since been further indications at EU and UK levels to support previous statements that this (temporary) measure is just the first move. Further (as yet unclear) measures it seems will follow to reduce the […]