Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Bass in trouble – scientists demand 80% cut in landings

There’s an article circulating in various forms (The Independant; Fish2Fork), or rather, the wording differs slightly. What’s caught our eye is this paragraph: The problem is exacerbated by recreational anglers who are responsible for about a quarter of the total landings in the UK, France, Netherlands and Belgium. So we’re the PROBLEM?  Interesting that the 75% […]

Watching our neighbours

For UK Bass anglers, it’s not always been easy to have visibility on the quality of fishing, or the angling activities of our neighbours around Europe. There’s been an increasing awareness of the Irish scene over recent years due to the good work done by the Irish in promoting fishing tourism from the UK and […]

Bass Management in Northern Ireland

At long last, the Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development in Northern Ireland (DARDNI) have published their Department’s Review of the 2010 Consultation on proposals to replicate bass management legislation as exists in the Republic of Ireland across Northern Ireland thus harmonising bass management across the island of Ireland. Details can be found at:  […]