Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society

Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973


On Friday 28 th June 2013 Nigel Horsman , Andy Ford from SKY TV’s tightlines and I all fished together on Zen2 . The plan was to produce a nice little fishing film with an emphasis on highlighting the worrying issues concerning the current management of the species . I really hope the film helps […]

NEWSFLASH: Better Protection of EU Bass Stocks Might Just be Imminent.

After years of decline in our breeding bass populations, it finally seems the message we have been taking to those that determine fisheries policy might at last be getting through and emergency measures to limit bass landings might be imposed. In fact the momentum is strong enough throughout Europe that the efforts of the Angling […]

Big Boost for Bass?

Angling Trust secures support for bass conservation from Minister From Martin Salters Angling Trust Campaigns Blog: As you may have heard, just when I thought I’d escaped, the Angling Trust sent me back to the party political conferences. My job was to make the case for fishing and to take the political temperature on the issues […]

BASS Newsletter – Special Edition

BASS has always tried to keep as wide an audience as possible informed of what we are trying to achieve. The internet is a tremendous help in reaching out to anglers, but printed media is still needed. You can read our latest publication here: Special Newsletter – Summer 2012. The power to influence politicians resides […]

Let our Bass Breed . . . action YOU can take to help . . .

To the majority of the population of the world the decline in fish stocks is just something they read about. They aren’t aware of what it really means . . . as there is no visible manifestation. But as anglers, or at least anglers not suffering from the phenomena of Shifting Baselines, we see the […]