Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

The Bargip Project

The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is today one of the most significant species in economic terms for the French fishing industry (5000 tons for a total annual sale of 45-50 million euros) and the first target species for recreational fishermen (around 3000 tons per year). The above, and following text, is taken from the […]

Watching our neighbours

For UK Bass anglers, it’s not always been easy to have visibility on the quality of fishing, or the angling activities of our neighbours around Europe. There’s been an increasing awareness of the Irish scene over recent years due to the good work done by the Irish in promoting fishing tourism from the UK and […]

Blogging Bass …..

Well the BASS Blogging Team has been on fine form this last week, with all 3 finding some fish. Our man in the South endured a trip which involved some woeful luck & equipment failure, but still landed a beautiful lean 70cm bass …. This was a result of a long difficult session, involving engine […]

French make it ‘Sexy’ . . . !

Malcolm Gilbert travelled to Nantes to meet with Jean Kiffer, President of the FNPPSF (Fédération Nationale des Pêcheurs Plaisanciers et Sportifs de France) and and Christian St James, who is responsible for environmental issues within the FNPPSF. He reported that both the meeting and the Nantes Show was a positive experience. Malcolm is currently drafting […]